Q-BIT CORPORATION Since 1972, Q-bit Corporation has been perfecting the design and production of high dynamic range RF amplifiers. Today, we are a well-known supplier of both commercial and military quality RF amplifiers. The micro-circuit RF preamplifiers are used in defense communication systems worldwide, including jet fighter radar systems and satellite spacecraft. Our preamplifiers are also used in equipment for cellular telephone systems, naval vessels, and test laboratories. Thousands of Q-bit low noise preamplifiers are on cable television towers across the United States and Canada, operating under severe weather and lightning conditions. Q-bit amplifiers offer a wide variety of gain, noise figure, and power output capabilities. The excellent impedance match and reverse isolation of these amplifiers make them ideal interfaces for critical filters, mixers, and hybrid/divider components. Q-bit Corporation is located in Palm Bay, Florida, in a 18,000 square foot facility. Our hybrid RF amplifiers are manufactured in an environmentally controlled Class 10,000 Clean Room to meet the highest quality standards. Various Qualification/Conformance programs can be performed to satisfy individual high reliability programs. Our engineers are continuously producing new designs, pushing the technology into new areas of high reverse isolation, improved temperature stability, high efficiency, low operating voltage, in frequency ranges from 0.3 to 3000 MHz. A GaAs FET line of microwave amplifiers is now under development. For more information on any of our products or capabilities, please call (407) 727-1838, FAX (407) 727-3729, or TWX (510) 959-6357. POWER FEEDBACK (TM) New generation technology in wideband RF amplifier design In system applications, it is desirable for the RF gain block to display flat gain, linear phase, low noise, low IM distortion, and a close impedance match over a defined frequency bandwidth. Q-bit Corporation's Power Feedback techniques combined with microstrip circuit layout, yield RF amplifiers that approach these ideal requirements. Instead of voltage or current feedback, Power Feedback forces the power delivered to the amplifier load to be proportional to the input power of the amplifier. This results in wide bandwidth performance displaying improved impedance matching, reverse isolation, and noise figure over conventional resistive feedback techniques. VSWR of less than 1.2:1, noise figures less than 2 dB and single stage isolation greater than 30 dB are typical. RF bandwidths over 1000 MHz have been realized using power feedback. The design of Power Feedback amplifiers is covered by U.S. Patent 4,042,887, others pending. Q - b i t C o r p o r a t i o n S t a t e m e n t o f C a p a b i l i t i e s 1. GENERAL Q-bit Corporation maintains a program of full process control from parts inspection to delivery of finished product. Each operating department is in conformance to the requirements specified in the various Federal, DOD, and Military Specifications applicable to our product line. 2. SALES Full compliance to the procurement requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is employed by the Sales and Marketing Department. New product proposals receive a full technical evaluation and cost analysis before a competitive bid is submitted to the customer for evaluation. Existing, off-the-shelf products receive periodic reviews of their manufacturing costs to insure products are competitively priced. 3. ACCOUNTING Accounting practices are in full compliance to the accounting requirements of the FAR and generally accepted accounting principles. Cost and time accounting for project management, production, test, and quality functions complies with the FAR and standard cost accounting practices. 4. DOCUMENTATION Documentation falls into two general categories each of which falls under Configuration Control of MIL-STD-481. They are: A. Formal Process Specifications B. Formal Drawings for part manufacture and procurement. Process Specifications: Process specifications are prepared using the guidelines of MIL-STD-961. Individual specifications are prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-490. Formal Drawings and specifications: These documents are prepared under DOD-STD-100 and DOD-D-1000 requirements. ANSI Y14.5 Geometric Tolerancing is accomplished on all critical parts. 5. QUALITY CONTROL Quality is maintained per MIL-Q-9858. Hybrid Microcircuits are fabricated and tested per Q-bit product assurance plans that follow the guide lines of MIL-M-35510, Appendix G and MIL-STD-883. Q-bit Corporation is actively pursuing certification to MIL-STD- 1772. The required documentation has been submitted and approved. Formal audit is scheduled in 1989. Sampling procedures comply with MIL-STD-105. Modular RF amplifier circuits are prepared per MIL-A-28875 and the certification requirements therein. Testing is per MIL- STD-202. 6. MANUFACTURING Manufacturing is under full process control utilizing formal build travelers and station process specifications. Each traveler, specification and drawing meets the criteria as specified for quality and documentation. Modular fabrication is under a similar configuration control program and fabrication is per MIL-STD-454. Hybrid manufacturing capabilities include: In-plant thin-film etching of up to 2" square(pre- metallized) alumina and beryllia substrates, with line and space tolerance of approximately 0.5 mil and minimum lines and spaces of approximately 2.0 mils. In-plant thick-film printing and firing of silver and gold inks and resistor inks. Space and conductor tolerance is approximately 10 mils and minimum spaces and widths are approximately 10 mils. In-plant eutectic die attach and epoxy attachment capabilities, semi-automatic epoxy dispensing and pick-and-place, and 0.7 mil and 1.0 mil thermo- compression bonding. In-plant resistance welding for round and rectangular packages. Laser trimming of thin and thick film resistors to Q-bit specifications provided by outside contractors. ESD control procedures, work places, etc. are implemented throughout our receiving, inspection, manufacturing, test and shipping operations. In-plant computer tracking system capable of tracking products by individual lot number and expediting hot lots to meet essential customer demands. 7. TESTING All Q-bit Corporation Hybrid TO-8 amplifiers can be screened to a Q-bit process following the guide lines of MIL-STD- 883, Method 5008 and various qualification programs tailored to customer source control drawing requirements. Modular RF amplifiers can be screened and qualified to MIL-A-28875. 7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Environmental testing of amplifiers is controlled by formal internal procedures. Units are subjected to all testing as required by the customer through formal Acceptance Test Procedures (ATP's), or by in-house ATP's which are written for each amplifier. All environmental testing is performed in accordance with the following military and commercial specifications: MIL-STD-202, Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts; MIL-STD-454, Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment; MIL-STD-810, Environmental Test Methods; MIL-STD-883, Test Methods for Microelectronics; MIL-A-28875, Amplifier, RF and Microwave, Solid State; MIL-M-38510, Microcircuits, General Specifications for; IEEE-STD-100, Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms; MIL-STD-45662, Calibration Systems Requirements; 7.2 ELECTRICAL TEST CAPABILITIES Electrical RF testing is accomplished using state-of-the- art RF/microwave test equipment. General test capabilities, at the time of this report, are: Vector network analysis from 300 KHz to 3 GHz,including semi-automatic testing for deviation from linear phase, group delay distortion, unconditional stability, and other specific customer requirements. Q-bit uses computer controlled Hewlett-Packard 8505 and 8753A vector network analyzers. Noise figure measurement from 10 MHz to 3 GHz using Hewlett-Packard 8970A Noise Figure Meters. Intermodulation distortion testing from 10 Hz to 8 GHz. Other dynamic measurements such as overload recovery time and tolerance, spurious output tests, signal compression, and saturation measurements. All electrical testing can be performed over the full military temperature range -55 degrees C to +125 degrees C. 8. SHIPPING Amplifiers are packed and shipped per the requirements of MIL-STD-129. Capabilities exist for the processing of materials that fall under the ESD categories of DOD-STD-1686. Bar coding of packing labels is accomplished for military shipments per MIL-STD-129 as shown above. 9. OTHER Customer requirements are routed to an internal Specification Review Group whose function is to turn customer requirements into formal Q-bit Corporation manufacturing, test and inspection procedures. This group functions to review specification requirements and requirements of Military Standards and create the formal documentation to ensure compliance. This group also is tasked with the preparation of Mean-Time-Between- Failure analysis (MTBF) per requirements of DOD-HDBK-217.